Tod’s latest Graffiti capsule gets a playful twist

托德斯推出 Graffiti 涂鸦系列,彰显意大利品质与街头艺术的玩味结合:这个由 Tod’s 创意总 监 Walter Chiapponi 创作的男女装限量别注系列,产品包括经典的 Gommino 豆豆鞋、运动鞋以及 T Timeless 手袋。对 Walter Chiapponi 而言,街头艺术是其设计的灵感来源,特别是 Keith Haring 和 Jean-Michel Basquiat 的作品。不论于美学和理念上,以至其时至今日依然特立独行的风格都在 Walter Chiapponi 的创作过程中极具意义。自由、表达、创作和灵活多变是时装界和涂鸦的共同语 言,两者本质如出一辙,生生不息,亦能互相影响,为混合和创新的艺术形式注入生命。

这个胶囊系列透过Dream、Amor和In Love We Trust等图像化文字,带出正面积 极的讯息,向涂鸦艺术致敬,歌颂涂鸦艺术所承载的意义。涂鸦艺术所讲求的手工技艺,亦是 Tod’s 创作路上不可或缺的一环,两者间密不可分的关 系,造就了这个系列的独特之处。

Tod’s launches the Graffiti Collection, Italian quality plays with Street Art: a capsule for men and women, including the brand’s iconic Gommino, sneakers and the T Timeless bags, featuring handwritten messages and drawings, created by Tod’s Creative Director, Walter Chiapponi.

For Walter Chiapponi, Street Art is a source of infinite inspiration. Urban art, particularly the works of Keith Haring and Jean Michel Basquiat, have always played a key role in his creative process, not only for the aesthetic and iconographic value, but also for the role it has always represented , which is still relevant today. The world of fashion and Graffiti share a common language of freedom, expression, creation and ingenuity that makes them continuous and similar, capable of influencing each other, giving life to hybrid and innovative forms of art.

This capsule is a tribute to Graffiti Art and the values it represents. In the collection, these values are celebrated by graphic texts which convey positive messages such as “Dream”, “Amor” and “In Love We Trust”. The importance of the manual skill of this art is closely linked to the creative path of the Tod’s hand-made craftsmanship, underlining a strong bond that makes the collection unique.

Tod's Graffiti collection

All images provided by Tod’s

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