The spectacle of the starry sky attracts us, envelops us, speaks of infinity, communicates a dizzy sense of the abyss; for, more than anything else, it grasps and calls out to the contemplative soul..Camille Flammarion
Van Cleef &Arpels梵克雅宝全球总裁及首席执行官Nicolas Bos表示: “世家珍视自然与诗意邂逅的奇妙瞬间。全新高级珠宝系列延续始自凡尔纳的奇幻历险,探索其作品的文学及科学之美。这一时空之旅引领我们与古罗马帝国希腊语哲学家琉善(Lucian of Samosata)一同遨游远古太空;翻阅约翰尼斯·开普勒(Johannes Kepler)于17世纪初创作的科幻短篇集The Dream, or Lunar Astronomy,了解神秘的宇宙; 再步入卡米伊·弗拉马利翁(Camille Flammarion)于1880年出版的 《大众天文学》(Astronomie Populaire),在精美的插图之中领略浩 瀚至美。”
世家以20世纪科幻小说为灵感,将目光汇聚于苍穹之中。传说、神话、 论述以至版画、油画和照片,珍贵的设计灵感缓缓而来,令人浮想联 翩,终达星河动人的彼岸。
“The Maison has always been interested in the instant where observing nature encounters poetry and the imagination,” explains Nicolas Bos, President and CEO of Van Cleef & Arpels. “For this new collection, we wanted to prolong the adventure that began with Jules Verne, by exploring the literary and scientific tradition of which his work forms a part. It led us to the classical author Lucian of Samosata imagining a voyage in space, to Johannes Kepler and his inspirational text The Dream, or Lunar Astronomy – written in the early 17th century – and to Camille Flammarion, who published his wonderfully illustrated Astronomie populaire in 1880.”
Pursuing this reverie into the science fiction of the 20th century, the Maison has turned its gaze to unfathomable horizons, conducive to wonder. Legends, tales, detailed descriptions, but also engravings, paintings and photographs have provided the designers with a precious repertoire: both via their evocative power, and their ability to transport us towards a dazzling Elsewhere.
Van Cleef & Arpels High Jewellery 2021 - Sous les étoiles highlights
可转换式长项链 | Transformable long necklace
灵感源于古希腊太阳神赫利俄斯的长项链,采用世家经典的可转换式设计,为太阳吟咏一 曲颂歌。钻石和养殖珍珠组成优美而极具能量的图案,萦绕中央重逾50克拉的斯里兰卡黄 色蓝宝石周围。这颗晶莹的黄色蓝宝石绽放璀璨的旭日光芒,在椭圆型切割的打造之下, 色彩更具深邃瑰丽,与周围交错环绕的黄K金和钻石互相辉映。 主图案下方低垂着一串养珠流苏,与萦绕粉颈的珠串遥相呼应,令设计更为玲珑,层次更 为丰富。珍珠的温润融合各式钻石的璀璨。项链的背部,一颗重1.11克拉的DIF级梨形钻石 悄然而生。项链的可转换设计使得这颗梨形钻石在短项链版本中成为耀目的一点光彩。 世家的珠宝匠悉心打造每个图案与铰接模块,确保作品整体灵动至美,同时能转换为不一 样的造型,配合不同场合。项链可转换为三种长度,分别是与流苏相连或无流苏,或以DIF 级钻石点缀发饰。后者背部亦有巧妙的金质结构,可于佩戴者的发髻之畔含蓄绽放。
Named Helios after the Sun god of Greek mythology, this transformable long necklace is an ode to the solar orb. At the heart of an elegant composition of diamonds and cultured pearls, the piece features a resplendent yellow sapphire from Sri Lanka, weighing over 50 carats. Its buttercup shade and gleaming, highly crystallized material are revealed by a deep oval cut, set horizontally within an embroidery of yellow gold and diamonds. A tassel of white cultured pearls of ever-increasing dimensions is suspended from this central motif, echoing the rows of pearls that punctuate the necklace. Their gentle luster combines with the vivid sparkle of variously-cut diamonds, culminating in a pear-shaped DIF diamond of 1.11 carats at the nape of the neck.
Thanks to the multiple wearing possibilities offered by the necklace, this diamond may also adorn the neckline in a shorter version. The jewelers have paid great attention to articulating the numerous elements – to ensure overall flexibility – and making the transformation mechanisms convenient to use. The necklace can be worn in three possible lengths – with or without the tassel – or as a diadem crowned by the DIF diamond. In this configuration, the back of the necklace embellishes a discreet gold structure, adorning the hair with a halo of light.
胸针 | Clip
Saturne胸针是该系列其中一件具象的作品,以金质和钻石再现土星这一太阳系第二大行星 的瑰丽,生动地呈现出这颗赭色星球及其巨大的环形带。密镶钻石如土星表面升腾起的雾 气,经锤打的黄K金星球半掩于其下,镶嵌钻石的土星环默默环绕着行星。绉纹金工是 Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝1960至70年代作品格外常见的工艺,将材质之间的对比,即凹 凸与平滑、贵金属与宝石的对比,衬托得细腻动人。以黄K金勾勒的细致线条围绕土星环, 使得胸针整体更加立体,更具浩瀚澎湃之感。复杂精细的造型使得胸针的不同部分仿佛悬 浮于太空中,展现世家无与伦比的高级珠宝底蕴。
The Saturne clip is one of the collection’s figurative pieces: in gold and diamonds, it depicts
the planet with the second greatest mass in the solar system, with its distinctive ochre color
and huge rings. The latter take the form of sparkling strands gravitating around a half-sphere in hammered yellow gold, which appears through a cloud of closed-set diamonds. The textured gold work – a feature of Van Cleef & Arpels creations from the 1960s and 1970s – reinforces the contrast in the materials, between smooth and raised surfaces, precious metal and gems.
Fine threads of yellow gold also underline the edges of the rings, accentuating both their volume and the scene’s dynamic feel. Thanks to an assembly of great intricacy, these various elements seem to float in space, in a feat of jewelry craftsmanship.
项链及可转换式项链和戒指 | Necklace and ring with interchangeable motifs
这件璀璨的项链作品,从每隔75年重访地球一次的哈雷彗星中撷取灵感。世家利用白钻和 黄钻的色彩对比,彗星映衬动人的美妙形态。一颗重达11.29克拉的艳彩黄钻,象征彗星的 主体,瞩目的梨型切割流露出古典与优雅至美,加之温柔和煦的光芒,令主石更显夺目, 于此,项链成为该系列中惊艳的杰作。 主石微微偏向一侧,迸发出道道如钻石般璀璨的光芒,犹如彗星滑过夜空那一缕动人的轨 迹,大小不一的黄钻与白钻错落有致,犹如彗星的尾巴,黄K金光线迸发而出,勾勒出项 链美妙的构图。
Remarkable for its brilliance and vivacity, this necklace is inspired by the passage of Halley’s Comet, visible from Earth every 75 years. The Maison interprets it here in a radiant composition, accentuated by a contrasting interplay of white and yellow diamonds. The creation is illuminated by a Fancy Vivid Yellow diamond weighing 11.29 carats, symbolizing the head of the comet. With its generously-sized pear shape, antique material of great purity and warm yellow color, it is one of the treasures of the collection. Set to one side of the necklace, the stone seems to emit precious rays, creating an impression of movement and dynamism. White and yellow diamonds of different diameters evoke the comet’s tail, while fine bands of yellow gold highlight the necklace’s graphic quality.
Deesse Mercure Fee Cassiopee
胸针 | Clip
胸针则歌颂了仙后座的美态,其名字源于希腊神话中的埃塞尔比亚王后卡西奥佩 娅,是国王克甫斯的妻子、安德洛美达的母亲。 她以雍容的姿态从星幕之中缓缓而来,裙摆扬起璀璨的星尘。蓝色及淡紫色蓝宝石为华服 铺陈夺目的炫彩,错落有致的钻石闪烁其中。胸针的背面是月亮清辉下的夜空,体现作品 精巧细腻的质感。
The clip celebrates the beauty of the constellation Cassiopeia, named after the Greek myth of Cassiopeia, queen of Ethiopia, wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda. Depicted in the guise of a majestic fairy, she spreads a dress that seems entirely made up
of stardust. Blue and mauve sapphires form a sparkling skirt, interpersed with diamonds set in star-shaped motifs. Another finishing touch bears witness to the refinement of the piece: the back is adorned with a night sky bathed in moonbeams.
项链及可拆卸胸针 | Necklace with detachable clip
造父变星相比太阳更加闪耀,其亮度呈周期性变化。这些巨大的星体启发Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅宝创造出Céphéide珠宝套装,以渐变的色彩演绎星系的夺目光芒。 沙弗莱石榴石、钻石和紫色蓝宝石图案错落有致,衬托着11颗共重159.72克拉的蛋面切割 玉髓。晶莹剔透的玉髓呈现着柔和的淡蓝色调,期间漾其浅灰色的光芒。可拆式吊坠上则 镶嵌着21颗长方型切割的双色坦桑石,由蓝至紫渐变的色彩,与淡蓝灰色的玉髓呼应。世 家于微中窥得万物变幻的体悟,吊坠镶钻底座结构亦格外精巧,可转换为胸针配戴。
Much brighter than the Sun, Cepheids are giant stars whose intense brilliance varies rhythmically from week to week. They have provided Van Cleef & Arpels with the inspiration for the Céphéide set, which depicts the radiance of these heavenly bodies in a bold gradation of shades. Punctuated by mauve sapphire, tsavorite garnet and diamond motifs, the necklace showcases eleven chalcedony cabochons, weighing a total of 159.72 carats. Their translucent material captures the light, enhancing the softness of their slightly grayish blue. On the detachable pendant, 21 two-tone baguette-cut tanzanites present an astonishing gradation from blue to mauve, echoing the color of the chalcedonies. In a spirit of metamorphosis, this pendant can be worn as a clip, on a diamond-set structure that shows through from underneath.
手镯 | Bracelet
Ison手镯令人联想到同名彗星,这颗掠日彗星在2013年在赴日之旅中灰飞烟灭。那次罕见 的天文现象启发世家创造出这件夺目璀璨的手镯,凝萃钻石和Mystery Set隐密式镶嵌红宝 石。这一标志性镶嵌技术由Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝于1933年获得专利,以隐密的金属 底座衬托宝石的瑰丽美态。世家的宝石学专家精心萃选色彩均匀的红宝石,再以人手将每 一颗重新切割,按手镯的造型镶嵌于金质镶轨上。珠宝匠与宝石切割师的紧密合作,使得 手镯表面呈现和谐均匀的红调,璀璨的效果宛如一体。赤焰般的彗星碎片萦绕手腕,错落 有致的圆钻恍如彗星蒸发后的点点冰凌;一颗颗钻石在玫瑰金星星中迸发光芒,为手镯更 添别样的光彩。
The Ison cuff bracelet evokes the eponymous comet that disintegrated into a diffuse and radiant cloud after passing too close to the Sun in 2013. That rare astronomical phenomenon has inspired the Maison to create this daring design in which the stones trace out striking lines of convergence. Diamonds provide a dazzling accompaniment to Mystery Set rubies, in an association that is characteristic of Van Cleef & Arpels. The rubies were recut individually by hand, before being placed into gold rails that follow the shape of the bracelet. The fruit of a close collaboration between jeweler and lapidary, the set surfaces display a brilliantly uniform shade of red. Wrapping itself around the wrist, this fiery tail is streaked with rows of round diamonds, made up of varying diameters. Set at the centers of pink gold stars, some stones punctuate the cuff bracelet and recreate the vision of shimmering stars.
Ciel de Minuit
项链 | Necklace
Ciel de minuit项链再现了耀目璀璨的银河,令思绪与想象飘向遥远星河。青金石是夜的帷 幔,于世家工坊经工匠巧手悉心雕琢,完美配合作品的结构,而黄铁矿金色的微光则仿佛 点点星尘错落银河之间。 青金石经精心雕琢与打磨后饰以璀璨钻石,与萦绕项链的蓝宝石和钻石遥相回应,仿佛夜 幕与星河的对话。项链造型优雅,铰接构件精心隐于宝石图案下,再现蓝宝石微妙的色彩 变化。装饰宝石与贵宝石奏响协奏曲,配合不同材质交织而成的立体之美,令人遨游于浩 瀚星空的深邃之中。
In homage to the Milky Way, the Ciel de minuit necklace is an invitation to contemplate a starry night. To depict the heavenly vault, lapis lazuli motifs have been carefully recut on the necklace – that is, individually sculpted by hand to fit the jewelry structure – at Van Cleef & Arpels’ workshops, while pyrite flakes scattered across them evoke the glimmer of stars. In places, the lapis lazuli has been delicately hollowed and polished, then set with diamonds. The latter echo the spray of sapphires and diamonds that ripples around the neckline like stardust. To maintain the elegance of the ensemble, the necklace’s articulations have been meticulously hidden by motifs displaying a delicate gradation of sapphires. The interplay of materials between ornamental and precious stones, along with the effect of perspective created by the different elements, draws the gaze deep into this nocturnal skyscape.
Arche Solaire
手镯 |Bracelet
世家仰望苍穹,在地平线的尽头捕捉温暖的日影奇景,成就这枚夺目的手镯。41颗共重 57.98克拉的椭圆形粉红色蓝宝石勾勒出璀璨的日影,再现象征永恒的图案。世家工匠独具 匠心,以精湛的技艺与相应的色泽和质量臻选大量宝石,令每一颗粉红色蓝宝石皆构成对 称效果,彰显和谐雅致的动态。这阙迷人的材质协奏曲以带蓝调的紫色蓝宝石和鲜橙色的珊瑚衬托柔和的粉红蓝宝石;珊 瑚于镶嵌后再经悉心雕琢,以映衬手镯的唯美的弧度,再以圆型、方型和长方型切割钻石 加以点缀,为珊瑚铺上一层灿烂光晕。密镶、爪镶、粒镶、角镶及彩镶等高级珠宝工艺技 术交替运用,使得宝石在腕上绽放微妙的渐变色彩,仿佛日出与余晖同耀此刻。
Adorned with warm colors, this cuff bracelet evokes the outline traced in the sky by the Sun, when observed every day for a year from the same place at the same time. This analemma shape – symbolizing infinity – is reproduced by 41 oval pink sapphires, weighing a total
of 57.98 carats. The feat of matching so many stones for cut, color and quality inspired the design of this piece, in which the positioning of each pink sapphire on the structure creates an impression of symmetry and movement. In a stunning association of materials, the soft pink of this batch is complemented by the bluer tone of mauve sapphires and the bright orange of coral. The latter has been meticulously recut to match the curves of the cuff, which are also bordered with round, square and baguette-cut diamonds. Thanks to closed, prong, grain, cornered and festoon setting techniques, the gems unfurl harmoniously around the wrist, in a gradation worthy of a sunset.
可转换项链 | Reversible necklace
项链布满了154颗粉红色和紫色蓝宝石,绽放瑰丽和谐的渐变色彩,再现五亿年前两个漩 涡银河碰撞产生的触角银河现象,捕捉色彩和星体迸发出的璀璨意象。世家的宝石学专 家,历经两年多时间将共重逾417克拉的椭圆及枕型切割宝石和谐搭配,再经过设计师的 审慎思索,最终决定宝石的位置,谱写了一曲淡粉至深紫色的和谐变奏,再现瑰丽夺目的 渐变效果。
A gradation of no less than 154 pink and mauve sapphires unfurls across this majestic necklace. It evokes the colors and stars projected out by the collision of two galaxies known as the Antennae, an event which began 500 million years ago. It took Van Cleef & Arpels’ expert gemologists over two years to assemble this remarkable set of oval and cushion-cut stones, weighing a total of over 417 carats. They then worked in partnership with the Maison’s designers to determine the position of each gem on the necklace and harmonize their shades, which range from pale pink to intense violet.