Hermes Hippomobile

Hermes latest Hippomobile tableware adds a little playfulness to the table

今年的家居系列聚焦家具。造型简约的桌子、椅子及扶手椅凸显细节。经由工匠们的独特创新技艺、理念,使材质发生蜕变。兼具功能性与生命力的家具与物件,以中性或明亮的色调为室内增彩,构建空间结构,传递内在理念。季节更替,家居系列历久弥新。家具到灯具,织物到游戏,摆件到餐瓷,以功能性为出发点决定造型与材质,不断挑战工艺极限。从概念到成品,结合多种精湛工艺成就和谐之作。无论日常使用,还是珍藏作品,每个对象都以其独特方式,满足点滴需求。最新Hippomobile玩转骏马风格包括,赋予茶具欢乐意趣。设计师Gianpaolo Pagni在餐瓷上构思了一匹纯色骏马,并为它戴上骑手制服般的几何图案披挂。只见一匹骏马时而环绕茶壶、时而将身姿延展至三件餐盘,又或藏身于一盏茶杯……跟随心意,各式餐瓷默契互搭、自由组合,在下午茶、甜点和早餐时分,玩转百变用途。

A joyful and playful tea service, whose pieces can be freely combined: a horse wraps around the teapot, another stretches over three plates, a motif sneaks up inside a cup… On a whim, the designs can be mixed and combined, adapting easily for every occasion: breakfast, morning coffee or high tea. In imagining this service, artist Gianpaolo Pagni drew inspiration from jockey silks and the world of cartoons: “I envisioned a horse with an elongated back that could hold several riders. A kind of limousine horse”. With this in mind, he interpreted an engraving from the Émile Hermès collection: a monochrome frame, which he covered with graphic friezes evoking jockey outfits. Each of his pieces starts with the crafting of stamps that will go on to create the motifs, leaving behind the slight quiver in the line that characterises this technique.

All images provided by Hermes.

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