
Piaget latest Wings Of Light high jewellery

If you wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.

Toni Morrison

瑞士高级珠宝与腕表大师 Piaget (伯爵)推出全新 Wings of Light 高级珠宝系列,以瑰丽缤纷的璀璨臻品描绘出神秘浪漫又遍布奇珍异宝的梦幻国度,与伯爵乘着光之羽翼自由翱翔其中,共同开启一段如梦似幻的愉悦之旅。整个系列主要分三个主题:绮幻环游、瑰丽秘境和狂欢曼舞。

在这里,与 Piaget Bird 一道掠过苍穹,穿过阳光炽烈的热带,来到和谐绮幻的 宁静绿洲。夕阳下,落日余晖逐渐消散于天际。天马行空的想象与创意超越精致 和完美的极限,将雄奇壮丽的自然景观化作 Wings of Light 高级珠宝系列光彩夺目的珍贵珠宝臻品。

Piaget latest Wings of Light high jewellery capture the splendor of lush jungle. It embodies a flourishing natural utopia. The call of the jungle hums and echoes and grows louder with each nearing step. Wondrous color and sweet scents overwhelm the senses: here, your instincts come even more alive. With every sway of the breeze, distant glistening jewels are revealed. Follow the call of nature and give into tingling curiosity and enter the luscious labyrinth where paradise awaits. This collection is made up of three main pillars: Enchanted flight, Magnificent Haven and Ecstatic Dance.

绮幻环游 Enchanted flight

一直以来,羽毛一直是珠宝不可或缺的设计灵感之一。在 Majestic Plumage 主 题作品中,凭借精湛的杰出工艺和无限的色彩创意,羽毛得以惟妙惟肖地再现眼 前。出自艺术大师 NellySaunier 之手的羽毛细工镶嵌作品,以真实的羽毛、五 彩斑斓的蓝宝石和尖晶石纤毫毕现地还原珍奇鸟类的鸟羽细节,重现丰富浓郁的 热带色彩。

Transcending precision and perfection, we soar with the Piaget Bird on its flight of imagination and inventiveness through the tropics, to reach a tranquil oasis of wonder and harmony, where, as the setting sun glows as embers towards dusk, we emerge to celebrate excellence in an explosion and crescendo of exotic brilliance.

Among dense liana walls and regal palms, a universe of explosive shape and colour awaits. Towering trunks and jewelled garlands swoop and weave like fine gold mesh. Rainbows of sparkling precious gemstones soar across feathered light. Branches flutter and fall, bedecked with lush leaves, vibrant flowers and rich fruits.

瑰丽秘境 Magnificent Haven

一路向前,穿过白茫茫的平原,在水草丰茂的绿洲旁停驻小憩。远处奔流不息的 河水蜿蜒而下,注入幽蓝静谧的深潭。丛林深处邂逅瑰丽秘境,土地、岩石与流 水构成和谐融洽的景致,光滑的宝石与利落的线条营造自然的和谐意境。天然形 成的深潭,被饶富诗意地称为 “Cenote”(在西班牙语中意为‘圣井’);在水清如 镜的潭边,享受心灵的慰藉与片刻安宁。

As the journey continues across glistening lands, we reach a magnificent oasis and come to rest in an enchanted clearing. Beyond cascading rivers of blue, fierce waters become quiet pools. At the heart of this jungle is a haven where clean lines and smooth shapes mirror the balance of nature as earth, stone and water unify in perfect harmony. This natural pool, poetically called ‘cenote’ (translated from the Spanish as ‘holy well’) is a place of rest and refuge, where the colour of the water reflects and the murmurs of jungle wilderness sooths us into a gentle state of calm and serenity. Here is a place of refuge.

狂欢曼舞 Ecstatic Dance

天边斜阳尽情洒落金色光芒,将世间万物笼罩其中,蔚为奇观。沐浴在温暖的光 辉中,沉寂的自然逐渐开始苏醒,迎接夜晚的欢庆时刻。如同彩绘般的斑斓天地 之间,彩虹悄然绽放,为夜空晕染出如梦似幻的瑰丽颜色,所及之处皆沾染上缤 纷色彩。

A cool breeze softens the air, rested and revived, it is time to celebrate the wonders of this world, as the sun sinks and melts into a golden glow, the colours of its setting bathing all in a rosy richness of golds and pinks. A pink horizon. Across the painted landscape, rainbow colours begin to illuminate the night, washing every touch with magical richness.

Branches stir and whisper with excitement – while some rest for the night, others awaken. Bewitched by the lure of laughter, music and aromatic scents, curious wanderers find a sunset soiree. This is shared joy: a captivating sight to behold, and one of life’s moments to savour and treasure

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